Monday, July 27, 2009

Discovery LP

Great electronic band called Discovery, its not hard to find there music posted on the web. All the songs are really catchy and get caught in your head in a matter of minutes. The second song off the album is the zinger.

although toward the end, you wanna change it, not in a bad way, just in an a.d.d. way.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Linked on Ataricoolkids

Check out

This is a great blog and its always busy keeping you up to date with whats good.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fuckin Writing about Champagne Champagne

trying to write these days has been tough, as well, their has been a drought of good music flowing in my stream. Although I haven't been up on the jones's of good beats, its not that I am not interested. I truely am, but I am just busy with work and editing. I am sure if you read this you might know what is goin on in my area of the woods.

I am from the Mohawk Nation as we've been know from time to time to stir things of with the federal government in Canada.

On one note. I am listening to Champagne Champagne, its one of the many spin offs from the awful band that I once enjoyed, The Blood Brothers. its good, but too many bright colors on there myspace, no doubt the kids that frequent there shows are skinny kids that have poor diets. The MC of the group is lyrically gifted, and its a good direction this group is taking. Its a little hip hop and a little indie rock. gees up hoes down i'm out, muah

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rekindling the fire

Current video project I am working on at work. This is going to be a series of videos to help counter the current surfacing press surrounding the Akwesasne issue involving the Customs and Immigration Office located on our territory.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I hate it... so much.


Here is my demo reel, its rough and its only a tenth of some of my work. I should have been more wise about keeping track of some of my projects and getting copies of them. I guess thats when you really have to keep in mind that you get to where you are on your own. Because of my slack attitude I am missing so many video projects. Now I have to track them down to claim some ownership on. Or else, I'll get raw'nate... and you don't wanna see me get raw'nate

Fucked Up

So, those of that know of the band Fucked Up, we know that they are likely one of the best canadian and over all greatest punk rock bands. They're postmodern one minute, the next they're doing a cover song which we all know, is not postmodern. they're edge and mystic, then we see them on MTV canada doing friendly interviews. Moreover Fucked Up is the type if punk rock band we all wish we were in, because they are educated, aren't dirt bag skids like Exploited, and make music that isn't really punk rock at all, its just great music.

The summer of 2007 while working for Brock TV I had the luck of being able to film Fucked Up at Scene Fest, we also interviewed them, but I have yet to recover the interview. In time you'll see the interview.

Here they are covering Black Flag's Nervous Breakdown.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Historical Minute: Lacrosse

Here is a video I had to work on at my last job, it was a pitch for a lacrosse association to get funding to do another one... with some quality, I guess?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

From Man In Ghost - Ocean Walker

An old video of From Man In Ghost, they asked me to film their tour, my intentions was to help them do a demo video for record labels. Unfortunately two days into the tour while in getting ready to film the bands set in Smith Falls, i was walking down a narrow hallway and the concert promoter comes running full tilt around the corner. The girl crashes into me then keeps running, I think she realized that she was from Smith Falls and was going to cry in the bathroom or something. Anyway, the promoter's collision into me was enough for her knock the motor of the lens off. Hence, ruining the entire tour for myself, I was borrowing the camera for a friend and this sent a wave of panic through me as I was to then have to worry about fixing the camera. Long story short, I never got to film them after the incident, and me never getting around to editing the footage after I departed the tour.

When I finally got around to editing the footage, the band only consisted of two members from the tour. I didn't know whether or not it was worth finishing and handing off since the band had completely changed. In the end, meh.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Posting old videos

Face Behind the Mic, the television show that I held in the palms of my hands.

I am also posting old videos and creating a reel... real.

Double click the video and watch it full screen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cool Kids - Gone Fishin' Preview


I like what Chuck Inglish is sayin, tired of listening to the same old shit over and over again. I take it he's listening to Sirus Satellites Hip-Hop Nation, or maybe the basic radio which is pretty weak.

They make the game look easy, but like everyone in the world, Chuck is still human and makes mistakes. Either way, they're called the Cool Kids for a reason, and when the mixtape drops, we won't be upset.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brendan Canning - Hit The Wall

YO! Whats up with good music these days, right? Brendan Canning's Something For All Of Us... is definitely good music for good people. If you aren't a good person then I strongly recommend you leave and stop reading this right now.... For those of you that are good, please proceed.... Broken Social Scene, great? yeah... sure why not? Like... they're alright... Shit, who am I kidding, I've been a dude to always say something against the grain, and whenever you get people all in your face about BSS, you just want to tell'em to chill, because we all know how great they are. But hey! atleast BSS fans aren't black metal fans who only wear black metal tee's, with bondage pants, right? .... well, SORRY! Brendan........Freeman and Kyle Forrester just showed up, Later!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

MIC TERROR - Definition of a Freestyle

Mic Terror, here's another dude from chi-town, someone who's got big-tings happening for him. You'll recognize the beat, which is even referenced in the title. Personally, I don't feel the need to tell you, you should know it already FOO! Anyway, of course, like always, this video's been out for a while now, and if you know me. Yes I am a music snob and haven' really decide to share till recent months.

One Love.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my appologies

For those of you that read my blog, and have it on your web browsers as favorites, my apologies for the lack of posting. Since moving back home to Cornwall, I've had a lack of motivation. It seems I've become a chauffeur for my mother. I am planning on moving out right quick, their is also a lack of inspiration in my current environment.

Thats my rant.

Jon-Rae Fletcher on AUX.TV

This man is a legend in my eyes, and these videos were a good uplift for my day. Its the soulfulness that you can feel in each song, the lyrics speak out to you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pearl Jam - Alive

Pearl Jam has remaster their 90's break through album Ten, its interesting, is it a grab at fame again, or something for the fans? This album led Pearl Jam into a different stream of fame, where they stopped making music videos, and went against the grain for ticket sales at one point. Eddie Vedder, and Pearl Jam never stopped making music through the past decade in a half, but in recent years with Eddie scoring Into the Wild, maybe this has sparked a new chord?

On a different note, this guy at Hero Burger at some Yorkville plaza asked me how prison was. Tonight I am planning on reporting this dick, I so through off by the comment. I should have complained right away, but I think Zach, Justin, and myself should receive a few free meals.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


When I was told how Michael Hutchence died, I was really confused, but then when I figured it out all i could think about was why? Its a pure shame that such a twisted event had to happen, and be publicized in the media, but we wanted to know, so they gave it to us. Autoerotic asphyxiation is nothing to play around with kids, if you find yourself in one of these situations my friend, grab a pole, because you're in trouble.


I am pretty excited about this one, when I was in grade 12 I took Mr. Legg's history class. We had to write two term papers, my first paper was about Che'. I thought since no one was doing it, some one had to fill in the cliche, so I was "that guy." The second term paper I struggled with, I didn't have much of a clue this time, but I still wanted to be "that guy." We of course know what "that guy" means right? I was the one who wanted to be different from all my peers. Then I was listening to those pototatoes eaters we all love, U2, as well as watching Angela's Ashes, and it hit me. Write on the Northern Ireland Conflict! thus, while taking on this task, I got caught up in Bobby Sands' story, he was an IRA member who was convicted for his involvement with the group. While in prison Sands started a hunger strike as a form of protest. While writing my paper about the conflict, it turned into a paper on Sands, he was without a doubt a stunning person to write about. In the end I received a great mark because the teacher hadn't read a paperr on Sands in sometime. Hunger is about Bobby Sands.


I couldn't help but laugh at most of these names, and the head gestures of the two guys saying them. This video is incredible, I really needed a good laugh today, and these two guys pulled through for me. For that, I thank them, thank you Levondia and V'Lanta'La'Mana'Ma'Nisha.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gas Leak

Their was a gas leak in my room, which is in the basement of the house I live in. I believe I'm okay? but I am sick as it is right now anyway, so how can I tell if its the effects of a gas leak or me just being sick? damn.... I might have to Onk-Bak this landlord, maybe even Ram-Jam the dude.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

terrible english

My writing and grammer is terrible, please forgive me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Peter Bjorn And John - Nothing To Worry About

Peter Bjorn And John - Nothing To Worry About (Official Music Video) - Click here for the most popular videos

So! Tonight I was watching Kenny Vs. Spenny, which was followed up with Web Dreams and Sin Cities. Whenever these shows come on, I can't help but watch because of my curiosity of how some people live there lives. This life of course is the one involved in pornography, as grotesque and explicit these shows are, they're very interesting. Like how do these young people get involved in this life style? Its definitely one that strays of the norm.

Anyway, for some reason I had the new Peter Bjorn and John single stuck in my head the entire time. As well, I decided to put the tv on mute, and listen to the song, and for a few moments, it was sync and intune with the shows. I listened to the song a few times tonight. I think it has something to do with the guy in the video's pompadour.

Brendan Canning - Love Is New

Here's another video I sat on for a while and don't know why I didn't post it long ago. Brendan Canning of Broken Social Scene. This is video is nice homage to Saturday Night Fever, it almost identical to the opening scene of the movie. We had to watch Saturday Night Fever for a pop culture course while at Brock. At first I thought, great, we have to watch some more bull. Although, after the lecture on the film, I couldn't wait for it. I was just about ready to pull out a foam finger with John Travolta' face on it. Either way, both the music video and film are both great, and its like Saturday Night Fever, but not in Brooklyn, its in Toronto... and no one gets raped in the back seat of a car. Much safer.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Places I'd rather be right now. SXSW

This would be a great day of music, give and take a few bands could be added, and some could be dropped. Although overall, it would be a very rewarding day of great music.

Rick Ross - Jumpin Out Da Window

The dude's got moobs, moobs you ask? man boobs moobs. I guess this video was to prove he's still hard, and has a crew to back him up. Better yet, he still knows how to find the projects. I kinda wonder if this was a cold day? because there were guys in the back wearing winter jackets. I guess if thats the case, then wow... he's really hard. Maybe he really wasn't a correctional officer? Maybe he is harder then 50 cent... I can't help but laugh. I feel awful that I referenced 50 cent. My appologies, this will never happen again, consider this now a free Rick Ross and ^ (name above) free zone.

Gomorra Trailer

A close friend of mine showed me this trailer a few months ago, I don't know why I choose to sit on it, I figured why not post it today. He, close friend of mine, explained it to me as, "imagine City of God, but in my mother land." Gomorra is set in Naples Italy, and based around the organized crime in the city, how original right? Typical plot aside, it opens a new world to the viewer, since most of us have been saturated with mainstream films, and peachtree TV comedy shows.

Flaws of the film, it lacks Pauly Shore, a caveman played by Brenda Fraser, and a down and out highschool no-body character who went on to play Rudy Ruettiger.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Waterbodies - Sleep Like Submarines

Cute dudes from St.Catharines, who make good music, the drummer is by far reinventing what it means to be a sex symbol. Word on the street is, Tommy Lee is taking notes from this dude. You can download there EP off there myspace, that's another great reason to listen to them too. The dudes are that amazing, they are kind enough to allow you to download the EP off their myspace. Plus the entire EP is super solid, it could be the soundtrack to a very epic movie with lots of special effects.

Kidz In The Hall - I Got It Made

I don't have too much to say right now, this is Kidz In The Hall, like most great hip-hop right now, they hail from Chicago. This is their track I Got It Made.

I'll likely have more to say about them in the next day or two, I'm kinda lazy right now.

Happy St.Patty's Day!

You know those mornings where you clear your eyes out, and they're still really dry and its hard to see. You sometimes even start seeing lines and dots, well this morning when I woke up, I was seeing horizontal lines. Thus, it made me thing of this old Minor Threat song, so naturally, I had to listen to it right away to get it out of myself. Plus, come on, who really wants to have a Minor Threat song stuck in there head all day, maybe Fugazi, but Minor Threat? That's just silly, we're grown ups here.

Although, I might be singing this song in my head today, but changing the words around to something like "green! I'm seeing green! I'm seeing green!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kid Cudi - Day-N-Nite

As catchy and great as this song is, I've been seeming to hear it a little to often in public, which is starting to bother me. Moreover I work with a bunch of crybabies, thus this song seems to be my anthem for them. Life is easy if you make it easy, life is hard to you want make it hard, enough of this being down on yourself. I'm not having enough of that anymore, thus my short attitude and attitude for them. Back to the song, Day'n'Nite transitions so well from The Prayer, which samples Band of Horses. As you know, I was super into Band of Horses, so I was all over these two songs when I first got Kid Cudi's mixtape.

Hollywood Holt - Throw A Kit On Tha Bitch

I would like to thank Sascha a.k.a Zachmorrisism for showing my Hollywood Holt. You can expect to see me this summer riding dirt dirty on a moped. Just note to yourself that by the end of this entry, I will be the shoot... by the end of this sentence I... I am now the owner of a moped. I just need... nevermind, I just got a kit for my mo. Done.

Now accepting applications for my moped club. Moped'ism

The Other Night order the original Tubby Dog

The other night consisted of an evening of beer, music, great conversations, and the most amazing hot dog to ever touch my lips. The major players of this evening were myself, Puiia, Darren, and Darren's Brother. There were a few minor characters but they didn't shine like our starry eyes. Unfortunately Darren's roommate Andrew threw the towel in early due to the amount to libations consumed early on.

The night was relaxed and not out of control in comparison with last weekend. We began drinking a few beverages, talking of pastimes, music, hockey highlights, and other sorts of stories that can only be described as maleisms, things guys would only talk about and wouldn't bare share with the public.

Moving on past the maleisms discussion, after everyone's beverages set in and watching some company come and go, hunger reared its beautiful head. Thus ideas began to fly around the room of what could satisfy everyone's cravings. Hence Tubby Dog, which is a well known hot dog place in Calgary that I had yet to experience, until this fateful evening.

The trek for these beasts was more then worth it, and I can now leave Calgary a satisfied man. A hot dog that's more then a meal and must be eaten with cutlery, contain a thick log of meat, chili, bacon, cheese, onions, and mustard. Thank god I am not a vegetarian, or believe in that ludicrous diet anymore, this hot dog was pure rapture. I plan to return and take a picture of this beauty.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Asher Roth - Roth Boys

Skip the intro, its corny, the rest of the video and song are goodtimes. At the end of the video, if you feel the need to look for his music, there is a link to his mixtape which is free like most mixtapes.

Asher Roth - I Love College

I wasn't sure if I posted this video or not, but here it is. This song can without a doubt explain my personal experiences of university... to a certain extent, give or take a few experiences. From the first year room with Dill and Josh, to Larchwood in second year, Edge Dale or something like that in third year, and downtown St.Catharines in fourth year. It was an amazing experience, with a million great stories.

Joaquin Phoenix Influenced Wu-Tang

The best part of this clip was reading the feed back it received on, I honestly can't wait to hear his music.

Captain Dirt and The Sars Lip Compromise - B.E.A.R.D.

B.E.A.R.D. - Captain Dirt and The Sars Lip Compromise - Click here for more free videos

This song and video lack a good production quality, but are both genius. Its I think more of a novelty song, but fun to listen to and watch the video of all the wonderful beards. Lets hear what you think?

Friday, March 13, 2009

M83 - Kim and Jessie

M83 is great to just throw on when you don't know what to listen to, when I get the chance to at work I usually throw it on, even though we're not suppose to listen to our own music. As well the people I work with sometimes aren't down for the different tunes. Although, its not my problem anymore after the 25 of this month because I'm out of Calgary, and back in Ontario! Holla!

Steve Brule - For Your Health

Tim and Eric is sometimes a tough show to watch, their jokes can be awkward at times, but totally amazing when their is a Brule's Rules segment.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Todd Bosley

This is Todd Bosley, he is now on Scrubs, the best television show since Honeymooners. Todd, or T-B (which is what we call'em since he's our boy) is one of the new interns, look out for him in past episodes of this season. Also their are webisodes on the ABC of Scrubs, the show is neatly titled Scrubs: Interns

Will Cascone

Will Cascone request for me to blog about this picture, this is for him.

This was the night of Michael Southerns birthday, this night consisted of, Hayes flipping out because of Southern's friends freeloading on the keg because they never paid. Someone stealing Hayes blackberry which led to him flipping out. Upside down keg stands, and breaking Ian Southern's bed. People leaving inappropriate photos on Michael Southern's mother's computer, again, likely Southern's friends. The night got even better when we all attempted to leave for the bar, Justin and I were beyond gone by this point. Immediately after stepping off the street car, with the rush of fresh air, we lost the group. This ultimately led us to stumbling down Spadina for food, and going to the horseshoe for a few beers... could have been the other way around but it was overall an exciting evening. To finish off the evening, Justin and I ventured back to Tim's old place, Queen East... Tim wasn't too impressed with us crashing at his place. The next morning, we had to street car it back to southerns to round up with everyone else. This is when we got all the details of the evening, and friendships were created by all. theeeee end.

beat street

In case you didn't know.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Elliot Brood - Oh, Alberta

Oh, I don't have much to say right now, but Elliot Brood is great, the video and song are both true gems. Be sure to check Elliot Brood's myspace out... Oh Alberta, how I won't miss you, and the dirty bag house I live in. Some people just should not own animals, or be allowed to live on their own. I should just take pictures, its beyond any student house I lived in... Anyway that rant aside. Oh Alberta is from there Ep Tin Type from 2004, they have since released two LP's Ambassador 2005, and Mountain Meadows 2008. All their songs are really great, very Canadian, as they embrace the culture and landscape.

Nipsey Hussle - Hussle In The House

Watch now, thank me later.

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - Caterwaul

Enough now, I'm done after this one.

Caterwaul, Jason Reece sings this track, he offers a little more stage presence then Conrad Keely.

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - Mistakes & Regrets

Earlier video then the last post.

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Another Morning Stoner

In honor of their new album, a throwback to an older video/song by ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. I have their new album on the docket of items to acquire by any means necessary, so it should be here by the end of the day. I'm trying to not spoil myself by going to there myspace to listen to it, so I will be patient with this one.

Tim and I were lucky enough to see them a few years ago with The Blood Brothers, it was a different show, two crowds were there. One for The Blood Brothers, and after the set, they quietly and politely left. After this, ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead's fans proceed to enter The Phoenix. It was very assuming thinking about it now, the first crowd were young skinny kids with eating disorders. The second crowd, people with better taste then the first, and a little bit older. Tim and I were the in between crowd, with no eating disorders, and not as snotty as the older folks.

Ryan Hayes' post on Will Cascone's wall

Ryan Hayes wrote at 2:02pm
Its no secret Will Mitchell is in love with me. Im sure he'll somehow read this and blog about it. Ya dude friday it is. And my knee is getting better so in that case I guess the job search is as well?

without a doubt.

Chicken Wings


I went out for wings with a friend lastnight... I think his name was Debby, Carla, Sandra, Tammy, Maggie, I forget his name... either way NEVER AGAIN!

David Choe

David Choe, like many I first heard of him through Vice, through his show Thumbs Up America, but since have followed his career from time to time. I'm not too much of an art critic, but it stands out, its fun... and he has come a long way as an artist.


Geronimo hails from Saskatchewan, a province I know we all say isn't a part of Canada, much like the Northwest Territories, and that other territory. Although, Saskatchewan, I have come to find out is an untapped resource for great talented bands and musicians. This band, Geronimo, should definitely be a band to look out for, or to tell your friends about. I would love to get my hands on there album to give it a full review, but till that day comes, I urge you folks to check them out and support Canadian music... because its like Ricky Bobby, it pisses excellence.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ryan Hayes' facebook status

Ryan Hayes Thank you Microsoft for making applications that crash right when you want them to.

You're welcome.

Sam Amidon - Saro

Amazing collection of old western and early film footage. Its very peaceful to watch, but not as peaceful as Samamidon's album All is Well.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kanye West - Robocop

I don't care if you want to hate on this man, that just recognizes that you have some issue you need to work out with yourself. Maybe even see a psychiatrist, because you are likely resembling Travis Bickle... or Ryan Hayes.

Either way, love him or hate him you are still talking about him. I personally enjoy him, and I might even create or write a cartoon featuring a Kanye West'esque character. Likely have him stop it, drop it.

Facebook News

I have stopped by facebook poke terror, for those that know, I was breaking down the connotations of the facebook poke. It is merely a button on facebook that says poke, nothing more, nothing less. Although for the narrow minded, it was suppose to be otherwise. NO!

In closing, I just got tired of waiting to get 50 pokes, only to press poke that many times again.

Nas - Sly Fox

If he had a mac, he would never do that... you'll understand by the end.

As well, we all know Fox is pretty awful news, BBC baby! although its pretty awful getting through those terrible accents, its the least bias.

Nas - Be A N****r Too

This was suppose to be the first single from Untitled, but due to sampling issues, right... I can believe that.

Either way its still a pretty profound video, right in your face, and the cameo by Jason Cho is unexpected. As well, there are a few more cameos of dudes from The Wire.

Nas - Hip Hop is Dead

No, its not dead, it just left to go pick up the take out. It'll be back in like 15 mins, then we can eat.

Anyway, so yeah, this song is from Nas's last album before Untitled, its a few years old, but still great. I'm in bit of a Nas mood lately.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix: New Hero

The store behind this picture is from lastnight, i was up late and felt like doing something in honor the man of the hour, and possibly my new hero! I search for a gnarly picture of the man, and came across this one. What a beast this man is.

I don't know, hip-hop music

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out

Their is a true genius behind this video, is it the juxtaposition of the upper class flaunting there fortunes over the hardworking class that is represented in Joe Jackson and the maid? Maybe it could also be the couple and the restaurant clashing with the hard images of the skyline and the street lights.

The lyrics themselves speak clear, but have numerous messages and meaning that can speak so much further then the three minutes and thirty-nine seconds of the song. Moreover, you could definitely go to the point that the lyrics transcend their era, for example "steppin' out into the light," what are we steppin' into in this day in age? the list in endless. Furthermore, I am merely trying to sound snooty and pretentious. If you are still reading, sit back and maybe have a laugh at the situationual humor that is occuring... Mind blowing isn't? This video by Joe Jackson is a gem, and I thank my sister for bringin' it to my attention.

Friday, March 6, 2009

AA Bondy - Vice Rag

Just like The Felice Brothers, AA Bondy is another dude that's on the list of people to see preform. I don't care if you want to come along for the trip, I won't consider any of your opinions, or care about what you have to say. It would be generally a conversation that Ryan Hayes and I would share. Where he attempts to tell me something interesting, and I ignore it and out do him with a story of mine. This goes on for the entire evening or day, until we are inebriated and forget about what we are talking about. Then Ryan gets overly touchy, and I get overly aggressive of him touching me. If you were there, you might recall the night he was overly touchy, and I caused him to cut his hand inside the bathroom at Isaac's? It was a good night, but not as fun as putting a strobe light under his one roommates bedroom door, you'll have to excuse me for forgetting who it was. Overall, they weren't impressed, thus we claimed our victory.

This got really off topic, just like a conversation with Ryan Hayes.

The Felice Brother - Her Eyes Dart Round

Real, something you won't be able to ruin for me. I am looking forward to moving home, and making a trip to see The Felice Brothers live at some point this spring, or summer. Don't know when or where, but it will be done.


weezer. say it ain't so

My eye is itchy right now... and I just knocked my contact out of its place, one sec.

Dang, that was a shitty feeling for a few moments. Anyway! I felt like posting this because its a classic, and its been bastardized by so many awful college cover bands, bad kids playing youtube covers, etc. To all those that try and cover this song at your shows... PLEASE STOP! Its not cool when you do it, its just passe. Even if you think you are doing a good cover of it... leave it alone, just walk away... its been ruined already, don't ruin it anymore.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Love The Beast

I have never been a huge fan of Eric Bana, but this could be a turning point for me. Maybe its the fact that the trailer has two really great songs in it? Band of Horses and Arcade Fire. Love The Beast is a documentary about Bana and his car that he's had for close to twenty years, I believe. More indepth, its about the relationship that Bana shares with this machine, and how a person creates a tight bond to their vehicle. In closing, like most naratives, the crisis point will likely be the car accident that occurs. After seeing this trailer, my curiousity led me to further pursue this car accident, and it turns out, he was fine... thank god, right?! overall, this definitely looks like a documentary we will all have to look out for.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Attack In Black: Years (by One Thousand Fingertips)

Attack in Black, Years (by one thousands fingertips). All the tracks can be found on there myspace for a pre-listening till the album is released in a few days. Thus far, it is a well rounded blend of soft tones and melodies. Attack in Black, they are truly great Canadian musicians, you can call me pretensious or what you want, but I thoroughly enjoy the music they create. It has, once again pretensious, seemed to have followed in my tastes of music. When I first saw them, I was into what they were playing, more so they stood out in a crowd of musicians for what they were playing (to help you if you don't know, they were playing with punkrock and awful bands like everytime i die). In similar traditions, my tastes changed, as well the music they were playing and bands they were playing with changed. I began to really like Jon-Rae Fletcher, soon enough they were playing with Jon-Rae.

For myself, the most notable track that i find myself often listening to again and again is Birmingham, I could turn, I'm a rock, and Liberties. Overall though, the album is very solid, I can't complain about any such tracks. I'm sure their will be people who will listen and not understand it, if they only heard a few songs of marriage. Moreover, its hard to tell what is in store for Attack In Black, its almost as though they're following in Guy Terrifico's footsteps, as they are very unpredictable. This of course keeps listeners listening.

i couldn't help myself

i've never come across this video before, so i figured that i needed to share it with you all. it doesn't rock as much as the other one, but it highlights how his fans got down. glorious.

damn Bo Diddley

there is just something raw about this performance, sends shivers down my spine. amazing sound, and me makes it look so easy. moreover you can't help but love the get up, black leather vest and pants... damn thats rocknroll.

my sister wanted me to post the Gerry Rafferty baker street, but i was listening to a bit of Bo Diddley earlier and couldn't help but by pass her request to post this video. this little is just a little more intense then baker street, don't get me wrong though, i like baker street... but if you had to choose... wouldn't you go for this video?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Conversation with Ryan

Ryan Hayes
9:14 PM
i feel liek this is goign to end up on your blog
9:14 PM
im always scared to talk to you
william mitchell
9:14 PM
this might end up in my blog...
9:15 PM
but... it also might not b/c we're talking about personal things that i wouldn't call out in my blog... thats just impersonal of me
Ryan Hayes
9:15 PM
i hope so
william mitchell
9:15 PM
HA! jokes on you. its goin up right now
Ryan Hayes
9:16 PM
i know u woudnt do that to me
william mitchell
9:16 PM
r u sure? u did some pretty awful things to me while at brock
Ryan Hayes
9:16 PM
haha like multiple kidnappings?

what a guy.... he knew i would post it. even though we're talking about nothing.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Asher Roth: The GreenHouse Effect

i feel super embarrassed, like i passed by this mixtape a few times a couple of months ago, and kinda just got turned off by the cheesey cover art. pretty hypocritical, me being so dumb and judging this book by its cover. asher roth, what a dude, went from being a typical dave matthews loving american eagle kid.... tooo possibly the next white hip hop sensation? by far, way more superior then any of these other white dudes doing rap. A. because he's not signed to epitaph like this atmosphere. B. he's not some goofy guy wearing makeup from detroit. C. he's not from 8 mile and from detroit. D. he's not a goofy white dude wearing goofy hip hop geary like a goofy white dude from detroit. the only zigger is... he kinda sounds like some goofy white dude from detroit!

lets just pust that aside, and look at the amazing pros of this mixtape... REMIX of BLACK MAGS PRODUCED BY CHUCH INGLISH! as well, a two hands full of great tracks produced by the greatests.. kanye, andre 3000, hi-tek... and the cream of the corp... JOHN MAYER!

great line, "you know the worlds gone mad when blacks wear plaid, and mariah has married nick CANNON!" coinsidently, the tape is produced by Don Cannon... you'll have to listen to it to understand.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rick Ross: Deeper Than Maybach Music

rick ross... definitely the largest man in hip hop right now. moreover, the most tattooed man in music. the man goes all out in whatever he does, even in his jewelry, he wore a diamond trinket of himself... beard included. oh yeah... did i mention the beard? besides zz-top, he's beard is second to theirs.

so to the mixtape. believe it, catchy hook and drum track, with a nice chourus that we can all sing too. best part, "ballin' like d'wade," this dude makes me smile. Rockin that shit, another great track with the contributions of Ludacris, Juelz Santana, Fabolous, The Dream, and Dj Khaled, definitely some heavy hitters for sure. Here I am remix is okay, but the end of it gets annoying with Magazine graggling on his Jamaican words, thanks but not thanks bud. King of the world, I grew tired of in a matter of minutes, likely in part becuase i didn't heard Rick Ross rappin'.

over all, its good, I like it because its Rick, but there are some hooks and contributions i don't care for. I know the tracks i like, and the tracks i'll likely delete. don't let that sway you into thinking it sucks, because it doesn't, but you'll understand when you listen.

ego boast

look at my update

Ryan Hayes

Famous Ontario residents: Bobby Orr, Prince, and Will Mitchell!45 seconds ago

i thought prince was living in Minnesota?

i knew he lived in TO for a bit.. but called the twin city his home

but thank you, i am honored to be a famous ontario resident


he still has a house on the bridal path according to wikipedia

so you know its the best information

Thursday, February 26, 2009

a KiD named CuDi

for some reason, i've been wherey (if thats a word) on this kid cudi, but i've given it a full chance. Hence, i'm on the kid cudi wagon, the song down & out and day N nite are very smooth, chill songs. then their is is there any love? which has a dope hook that is the title of the track. basically a good drum track, with some good lyrics over it and a nice hook, all you need for a great track! the mixtape is filled with a handful of great songs, but these few tracks stick out the most in my head.

over all, i can definitely see the hype around kid cudi right now and how he is going places... lets just hope its not to the same barber as kanye (afro mullet)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

K'naan's new album out today! Troubadour
so exclaim has been pushing and promoting his new album that drops today, k'naan has definitely lived a life that can't compare to any rappers today.

like... he is definitely one of the best canadian/international rappers. his lyrics, are uplifting and surreal at the same time.

this is africa... sounds cooler when he says it... since... he is from Samolia. i have way more appreciation and respect for this man, in comparison with Kos. who after meeting and interviewing, was a bit of an egotistical brick.

Monday, February 23, 2009

mick booge presents: U-N-I

i first heard of U-N-I from a buddy at work, him and i were talking about cool kids. the fellow co-work told me, "they're like cool kids, but they know how to rap." after a few laughs, he played them for me, and i was all over it.

anyway, i got over them since i couldn't get any of there beats anywhere, plus cool kids released "pennies," and you can't compete with that. although, i caught wind of this mixtape floating around, and had to get it.

over all, its solid, its good beats and rhymes. the beats, they are fairly O.G. with a nice slice of audio clips and hooks. the rhymes, are as described in the press play interlude, "feel good hip hop."

Monday, February 16, 2009

their is hope out there.

Samamidon - Pretty Fair Damsel (Toad Session) from Song, by Toad on Vimeo.

hope comes in the form of samamidon, atleast for me currently.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix quits life

Joaquin Phoenix recently quit acting to focus on his music career?... weird. i love it, i can't wait for his EP, LP, mixtape, clothing line, rap group... rap duo. you think rihanna will do a few songs with him? maybe lil'wayne....T.I, Jay, Kanye... geezzz... maybe even Mos and Talib?

all the best to Joaquin and his futuer endevors

Friday, February 13, 2009

ohhhh magic

david copperfield's facial expression and sarcasm is amazing... not sure if you feel the same way... but i watched this clip a few times.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

polar bear club

they're an amazing band, although the video and audio is crap... its a sweet cover.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

adam perpeluk

this is a combination of pictures i took of adam on new years, due to the number of libations i consumed throughout the evening, i did not take many others pictures.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


its true.

the felice brothers

frankie's gun.
great music, for great people.


branding. why not?

four meatheads

so this is what happens when you get four meatheads together with a dumb idea, but we're guys right? and guys and bad ideas go together hand in hand, right? like enron right?

the double choke out

the double choke out, what a great idea! adam chokes out dylan, while dylan chokes out devin, while devin does classic devin things.

the one and only

the one and only crooks and castles, and the one and only dude who only wears crooks all day, everyday, on the hour, in the moment. He ain't that tough though

Monday, February 2, 2009

over it?

hayes, i expect one of these pictures to show up as your facebook display picture eventually

this is the sound

this is the sound of throwing pennies to the ground.

if you kids don't know... now you know. this is what cool is.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

who dat ninja?

hayes started making all his friends do the crystal castles pose... i'm so over crystal castles... worse canadian group ever... thank you hayes

Saturday, January 31, 2009

he'll probably be mad at me for this one

this is ryan, he's a great dude, knows how to take great pictures... thats why he's my boy. and won't like me for posting this picture...

the boys the boys

boom boom boom

the root of music, if you can't appreciate blues, you shouldn't speak to me... too harsh?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

what is it about...

what is it about ninjasonik that makes you wanna hug'em... or hug a friend and squeeze them till they fart

Friday, January 9, 2009

my hero

what is it about tracy morgan, that makes you want to steal another person's dog, take it for a walk then leave it at your friends house and call the police to turn him in? i don't know? but all i know is, someone better make me a sandwich quick, or i'm gonna steal that dog across the street....

that is a would be tracy jordan quote.