Tuesday, April 15, 2008

i drank steam whistle this night, i got twelve, and brought only six to the party. i left the other six at my friends... and his lame german roommate drank my other six believing that it was okay for him to drink said beers b/c "he thought they were justin's" (my friend who is not featured here-->).

on another note, i also worked in niagara falls last summer, where i encountered to many tourist to handle on a daily basis. i worked hard and long days in this tourist establishment, and learned that german tourist are very snotty and uptight. they were by far the most difficult tourist to deal with, up their with a ton tourist groups i care not to mention.

but this thievery of my 6 steam whistles will have its day. if i do not get my beers back, i intend on taking further actions against this beer thief, and his entire country. watch your back german beer thief, and german beer is some of the shittiest beers out their. i'd rather drink sour puss then support german beers.

1 comment:

walk-the-walk said...

wow! your a douche beg for being this worked up over a few beers.. being part german im offended.. plus i know the guy your talking about and he isnt even german.. hes 1/2 canadian and 1/2 italian .. therefore you're also an idiot! furthermore.. you leave lame blogs about your pathetic life.. how bout you stop being jelous of the germans.. considering they have good beer, blonde hair and massive cocks.. which unfortunatly from what i hear your significantly lacking! peace!