Tuesday, May 27, 2008

from north dakota, to canmore, to banff, to calgary

alright everyone, so a lot has changed since my last entry. i went to canmore, banff, and finally ended up in calgary. the mountains weren't my calling, i think it'll only be a weekend adventure for me.

i got to canmore and applied to a ton of places, and only got two call backs for jobs i didn't even apply for. i was forewarned to not be picky about the jobs i want and get offered, but i can't help it if i know what i like and don't like.

its like goin to dairy queen and asking for a strawberry cheesequake, but instead they give you a brownie blast parfait. its just as good, but its not the same as getting those little chunks of cheesecake that you know you are getting when you buy that blizzard. even though you know that with the brownie blast, you are getting those chunks of brownie... just as good but not the same.

and since you're in alberta, don't even think of buying icecream or any such frozen delicious treat, prices out here are bored line insane. HA, of you want ben and jerry's ice cream? good luck buddy, that was expensive in ontario, its a gourmet item here in alberta...

i haven't even yet bothered to look at the prices of cheese, someone told me, to just give it up and move on.... so much for those snooty wine and cheese parties we once had. looks like i'll just give up drinking wine... i'll prolly resort to drinking lake port or lucky logger.... OH SHIT wait... they don't have that cheap 24 for 24 beer here....no no no, they have DUDE beer, which is equivalent but more expensive...

unhappy with calgary at the moment? hells yeah i am... ppl are all like aww calgary that place is nice... oh yeah? show me? b/c right now i am pissed and wants some ice cream

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