Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Attack In Black: Years (by One Thousand Fingertips)

Attack in Black, Years (by one thousands fingertips). All the tracks can be found on there myspace for a pre-listening till the album is released in a few days. Thus far, it is a well rounded blend of soft tones and melodies. Attack in Black, they are truly great Canadian musicians, you can call me pretensious or what you want, but I thoroughly enjoy the music they create. It has, once again pretensious, seemed to have followed in my tastes of music. When I first saw them, I was into what they were playing, more so they stood out in a crowd of musicians for what they were playing (to help you if you don't know, they were playing with punkrock and awful bands like everytime i die). In similar traditions, my tastes changed, as well the music they were playing and bands they were playing with changed. I began to really like Jon-Rae Fletcher, soon enough they were playing with Jon-Rae.

For myself, the most notable track that i find myself often listening to again and again is Birmingham, I could turn, I'm a rock, and Liberties. Overall though, the album is very solid, I can't complain about any such tracks. I'm sure their will be people who will listen and not understand it, if they only heard a few songs of marriage. Moreover, its hard to tell what is in store for Attack In Black, its almost as though they're following in Guy Terrifico's footsteps, as they are very unpredictable. This of course keeps listeners listening.


Unknown said...

Good review, although most album reviews don't involve trashing other bands....
Remember when you got me into Every Time I Die? I do. They were like your favorite band.

williammitch said...

i can't stomach them if i tried today, kinda like lake port or kokanee beer... we all liked it at somepoint but if we tried to drink that today... we couldn't do it even if we wanted to

Anonymous said...

good review. everytime i die DO SUCK!! no pretension there. they just do. that's the fact!!! you can also listen to the attack in black album at

for anyone interested.